The Liverpool Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Association (LALPA) adopts all the relevant policies and procedures of the Catholic Safeguarding Standard Agency (CSSA) which includes its’ safer recruitment policies and procedures.  CSSA is striving towards a culture of safeguarding where all are safe from harm and abuse and where every person is encouraged and enabled to enjoy the fullness of life in Jesus Christ through the prayerful, caring, nurturing, supportive and protective endeavours of the Catholic community, both individually and collectively.  We must take particular care of those who may be vulnerable because of age, illness or disability or who may be vulnerable because of current or past life experiences.

Designated People

The Postholders of the following roles are designated people:  Pilgrimage Director, Senior Medical Officer, Hospitalité President, the Director of the Youth Pilgrimage and the Animate Administrator.



A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place where we have the opportunity to come closer to God by taking part in the pilgrimage spiritual activities and giving service to those who need our care.


The Pilgrimage relies on the goodwill and support of all pilgrims at all times during the Pilgrimage.



What is expected from pilgrims in terms of personal conduct?


  • Treat others with respect.
  • Be mindful of the need for safeguarding of vulnerable adults and respond appropriately.
  • Recognise the need for confidentiality and privacy of assisted pilgrims.
  • Put the needs of assisted pilgrims first and self-last.  However, please be aware of your own limitations, do not act in a way that could endanger yourself or others.
  • Adhere to Health and Safety guidelines and report accidents and /or incidents.
  • Exercise self-control – no pilgrim should behave in a manner which could offend others or bring the good name of the Liverpool Pilgrimage into disrepute.
  • Dress in an appropriate manner for work with assisted pilgrims.
  • Refrain from posting images and / or videos (e.g. Facebook Live) on social media unless you have explicit permission from those involved. 


The following is considered to be against the spirit of the Liverpool Pilgrimage:


  • Having inappropriate physical or verbal contact with other pilgrims.
  • Making suggestive/derogatory remarks or gestures in front of other pilgrims.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Use of illegal substances
  • Being in an unfit state and thereby missing duties or causing risk in the execution of duties.
  • Creating a public disturbance at night, which prevents others from sleep