The Pilgrimage Executive

Fr. Grant Maddock
Pilgrimage Director

Fr. Grant Maddock
Pilgrimage Director
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Una Giles
Assistant Director & Executive Secretary

Una Giles
Assistant Director & Executive Secretary
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Mgr. Des Seddon
Safeguarding Lead

Mgr. Des Seddon
Safeguarding Lead
I first travelled to Lourdes in 1978 and then I was hooked on this great place of pilgrimage. Many people receive help to live their lives with renewed strength and faith.

Paul Cunningham
Executive Treasurer

Paul Cunningham
Executive Treasurer
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Mike Roper
Assistant Treasurer

Mike Roper
Assistant Treasurer
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Catherine McCarthy
Hospitalité President

Catherine McCarthy
Hospitalité President
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Fr. Simon Gore
Director of Youth Pilgrimage

Fr. Simon Gore
Director of Youth Pilgrimage
Hello. It has been my privilege to be the Director of the Youth Pilgrimage for the over 10 years now. My main role in the Lourdes Pilgrimage is to co-ordinate the youth side of the pilgrimage. That means working with the coach leaders in the lead up to the pilgrimage to ensure that we have young people in the right places to offer assistance when and where required. We also try to plan the week for our youth pilgrims to allow them time to pray the High Stations, have their own coach reconciliation and have our own youth pilgrimage Masses and Services - among other things!
Being part of the exec group allows the youth pilgrimage to feel more part of the wider pilgrimage: that we are not a separate entity that is only called on when needed. It is great to be able to meet with the other members of this group through the year to share hopes and joys and expectations and try to all work together across all areas of the pilgrimage to make the experience as meaningful as it can be for all those that heed the call of the Virgin to ‘come here in procession’.

Fr. Mark Beattie
Lead Chaplaincy Coordinator

Fr. Mark Beattie
Lead Chaplaincy Coordinator
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Mgr. John Butchard
Chaplain to the Executive

Mgr. John Butchard
Chaplain to the Executive
My first visit to Lourdes was with the Schools Easter Pilgrimage in 1954.
Then began an unbroken succession of pilgrimages with Liverpool from1968.
I have always worked with the Hospitalite when able to, and this has coincided with service as Chaplain to Assisted Pilgrims, Treasurer of the Association and 25 Years as Director of the Pilgrimage. In my retirement I have been invited to act as Chaplain to the Executive.