Liverpool Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Association

The Archdiocese has been leading a pilgrimage to Lourdes for over 100 years. Each year over 1,000 pilgrims travel to the shrine of the Blessed Virgin from our Archdiocese. 

We would love you to be one of them! 

Click on the below link for information:

About our pilgrimage



Bookings are now being taken for our 2025 pilgrimage, via our travel partner Joe Walsh Tours. Please click here for further details

Upcoming Events

On Sunday 8th December 2024, a statement was read out during Mass at our Metropolitan Cathedral, on behalf of Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, declaring the case of John (Jack) Traynor as a miracle.

Archbishop Malcolm said “Given the weight of medical evidence, the testimony to the faith of John Traynor and his devotion to Our Blessed Lady, it is with great joy that I declare that the cure of John Traynor, from multiple serious conditions, is to be recognised as a miracle wrought by the power of God through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes.”

For further information on this, and the Jack Traynor story, please click here.

Live from the Grotto